From a Sister

"My brother and I have always been relatively close, but a few years back, he began slowly fading into the background of my life. I didn't exactly notice it at first, and when I did, I chalked it up to me growing up and us being at different stages in our lives.

We continued to drift apart for months, and during this time, my brother spent more and more time at work or out with his friends. He would be out all night, come home, and sleep until he had to get up and go to work. I missed him. I knew there was something off with him, but I really had no idea what it could be. One weekend, my brother just up and told my mom that he was doing drugs and that he wanted to get help. When my brother sat me down to tell me, I wasn't expecting it in the least. But once he did tell me, everything sort of clicked in to place.

My mom got him help right away and he flew to the Narconon California program. I missed him like crazy, but the first time I talked to him when he called home, made me know for sure that he was going to get through everything. It was a very long, very hard struggle, for all of us, but especially my brother. But this crazy struggle ended up bringing us closer again. He would call a few times a week and tell me about what he was learning and talk to me about my life, and I felt like I had my brother back.

When he graduated the Narconon California program, I wish I could have been there. Even though I wasn't there, it is still one of the things I admire most about my brother. When he came home, he was so excited. About everything. He wanted to teach me how to study the way he learned and it was fun. He wanted to know all about everything he'd missed.

I was ecstatic and he really was here. Home. Whole. Himself again. Even better than he had been before the drugs. I am continually amazed at the recovery my brother has gone through, the strength he has and the person he has become, completely blows me away.

Susan D.

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  • Memories from a Mother
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    and service marks owned by the Association of Better Living and Education International and are used with its permission.